“I’m here to work, not to pick up girls.”

Gruneberg asked for a position as the club’s swimming instructor, to which Voyenne gleefully produced a picture of four beautiful women clad in swimsuits. “What do you think?” he asked. “I’m here to work, not to pick up girls,” replied Gruenberg—and with that he had passed the test. From an article in Monocle magazine’s MediterraneoContinue reading ““I’m here to work, not to pick up girls.””

“Unpainted Wooden Toys”

“I came from an ‘unpainted wooden toys’ kind of family. We had Legos and board games. But the best was when we made stuff up ourselves, constructing forts, recording radio shows, and putting on plays. Working together to build something was magical.” Entrepreneur and co-founder of Flickr and Hunch Caterina Fake, quoted in Inc magazineContinue reading ““Unpainted Wooden Toys””

Exploiting Other People’s Pain and Suffering

“Well, part of me says, ‘I don’t care.’  This is a moral issue.  If you have people working for you who cannot make enough money to live on, you don’t have much of a business plan.  Your business is really exploiting other people’s pain and suffering.” Writer and columnist Barbara Ehrenreich, quoted in Time magazineContinue reading “Exploiting Other People’s Pain and Suffering”

“Unbounded imagination and invention on display.”

I quote the following review of Super Mario Galaxy by Thomas L. McDonald, from the May 2008 issue of Games magazine, because it explains why I prefer games like the Mario Kart series, the Bit Generations series, Theta, Electroplankton, and Ninja Town. The quotation below is a slightly different version I found online than whatContinue reading ““Unbounded imagination and invention on display.””

Comfort vs. Elegance

“… during the days of the Raj, everyone dressed immaculately in layers, in steaming conditions in that subcontinent.  And they all looked pretty dignified to me.  Yet we have all become rather sloppy in our dress sense, mistaking casualness for comfort, and conflating comfort with elegance.  I just can’t help thinking how elegantly people dressedContinue reading “Comfort vs. Elegance”