Birthday or Deathday?

Birthday or Deathday? ©2020, Joseph L. Thornburg. All Rights Reserved. DRAMATIS PERSONAE The Prologue Arihiro “Ari” Hashisaki owner of House of Hashisaki Peccari Pancetta daughter of deli owner Collops Pancetta Our Heroes Dainty Busch citizen at large Junnosuke Hashisaki Ari’s grandfather The Pickering-Tewksbury Household Esme Walpole-Pickering-Tewksbury matriarch and widow Cecilia Pickering-Tewksbury Esme’s stepdaughter Lathrop Pickering-TewksburyContinue reading “Birthday or Deathday?”

The Scarf and The Noose

Unlike the previous three stories, I did not try to turn this one around in 24 hours. The Scarf and The Noose ©2020, Joseph L. Thornburg. All Rights Reserved. (contains violence, mild language) DRAMATIS PERSONAE Benjy Baxter and Caesar Campbell co-owners of BaxCam Coffees Maury and Maureen Basil co-owners of Java Juggernaut and Java GymContinue reading “The Scarf and The Noose”